The Ateneo Law Debate and Advocacy Society (ALDAS)

The Ateneo Law Debate and Advocacy Society (ALDAS)

The Ateneo Law Debate and Advocacy Society (ALDAS) is a student organization that provides a platform for Ateneo Law students to develop and strengthen their communication and analytical skills. It was established in 1990, and is guided by its vision of a society of Atenean lawyers who are not only competent and well-versed in public speaking and trial technique, but are likewise true advocates of justice and the law who use their mastery of the Organization’s core competencies to affect social change and progressive nation-building. In doing so, they will live out the ideals of the School and the Organization’s patron saint, Saint Thomas More - the King’s good servant, but God’s first.

ALDAS is driven by its passion to render service to the Ateneo Law community as well as to society. ALDAS aims to prepare its members for a legal career through strengthening their skills in debate, oral and written advocacy, and trial practice.

From its inception, ALDAS has won numerous debate competitions. The Organization emerged as the Overall-Champion in the inaugural Association of Law Schools of the Philippines – National Debate in 2014. In addition to joining debate tournaments, ALDAS consistently hosts debating events, from inter-Ateneo Law Debates to national competitions.

For Inquiries, you can contact:

Rachel Megan R. Aglaua

Prime Minister

CP no./Telegram: 09175194435

FB: Megan Aglaua

Phil Joseph Mendoza

Deputy Prime Minister

CP No./Telegram: 09778864354

FB: Pijop Mendoza

Michael Brian Salvador

Minister for External Relations

CP No./Telegram: 09175929108

FB: Brian Salvador

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