Joaquin Bernas Center Student Corps (BERNAS)

Joaquin Bernas Center Student Corps (BERNAS)


The Joaquin Bernas Center Student Corps aims to be a quality volunteer arm of the Fr. Joaquin Bernas Center for Continuing Legal Education and Research. To contribute in making the Ateneo Law School Community more aware of important and growing social issues and strive for a better future


The student corps assists the Bernas Center in providing a venue for continuing legal education programs through its legal education series, legal researches, and production of legal publication. Its main objectives are to: provide quality legal education programs on selected legal topics and issues, to provide an avenue for the Members of the Philippine Bar wherein to hold their Mandatory Continuing Legal Education, to provide quality legal review programs on contracts, issuances, bills, briefs and other written matters, and to provide comparative studies and legal opinions on such matters. The community inside the Joaquin Bernas Center provides to being a mantle of developing legal education through tackling current issues and navigating the grey areas of our laws. . To be known as a prominent contributor to the growth and development of the Philippine Legal Education through Mandatory Continuing Legal Education programs and relevant publication and forums.


Established in 2001, the JBC-SC aims to to be known to the legal community as a prominent contributor to the growth of the Philippine Legal Education through Mandatory Continuing Legal Education programs and relevant research publication and forums. Its primary goal is to make the Ateneo Law School Community more aware of important and growing social issues. The Student Corps also collates and publishes legal researches and provides legal review programs that would be of help to the legal community.

Leon Reyes - 09951049625